Friday, October 10, 2014

It's Back!!!! Challenge Time!!! ~ FFC#61 " Happy Fall"

****The blogger issue has been fixed! Spent 2 hours with a tech trying to remove an old template that continued to post codes into my current template. Problem should not happen again! Thanks for your patience!!****

Hello sweet friends!
Welcome to the start of another weekend 
and welcome back to our Fun-Day Friday challenges!!!!
After having a couple months off for the summer, the DT is back and ready to play!
I sure hope you are too!!! 

Just a few updates I would like to point out
 before ya go diving back into things. 

Paper Nest Dolls   will no longer be sponsoring our challenges.  Christine (the owner), is working with a full plate and needed to cut back on being a sponsor to many challenges. We wish her lots of luck and hope to see her back as a sponsor again in the future!

We are looking for more sponsors so if you are a new company or an oldie but goodie and would like to sponsor our Fun-Day Friday Challenges, please send me a note by clicking on the "Contact me" button at the top of this page. We greatly appreciate your support!

With my health taking a plunge downhill over the recent months, it has also caused me to temporarily close shop on my company 3 Twenty Crafts. It really took me by surprise just how fast my health turned but inevitably as fast I was introducing a new company, I was putting it on the back burner.  3 Twenty Crafts will reopen again in 2015 but while the actual store is temporarily closed, I still have stamp sets & Scor-Tape for sale and I will still be a sponsor to some of the challenges. Contact me if you have any questions and most of all, Thank you for your kindness and patience regarding this matter.

So are you ready for some fun this weekend???? 
Here is this week's challenge and 
I hope to see many of you linking up!!!

 This week's Challenge:
"Happy Fall"
Create a card,layout or project for Fall!

Our sponsor this week is:

 One lucky winner will receive a 7 pack of digis of their choice !!  

 So make sure to play along this week~

  Starts: Friday, October 10th  12:00AM
Ends: Friday, October 17th  6:00PM
(Eastern time)
Now let's see what the FFC Design Team has created for this Challenge:

  Well my friends, it is YOUR turn to show us what
 you can do for this challenge!
Just link up using our link up tool at the bottom of this post for your chance to win top 3 and get entered into our monthly prize drawing.

What do you need to do to enter?
Challenge Rules

1. Please post a direct link to your card/project post that includes your challenge,
using the linky tool below.

2. Be sure to include a link back to our challenge

3. THREE entries per person and you must post a separate blog post for each entry.

4. All entries must be NEW and created for the current challenge.

5. You may combine with other challenges as long as you link back to us in your post.

 * All entries that do not meet the challenge requirements
Will not be eligible for top 3 or random/monthly wins.
The monthly prize drawings will only be mailed within the US and Canada only.
You have until October 17th by 6:00PM (eastern) time to link up.
All winners will be announced during the week of Oct. 24th.
Have fun and we look forward to seeing what you create!
Until next time, enjoy life's blessings~
Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Hi Jo, nice to have you back. Hope things are getting better for you and I wish you all the best!

    Thanks for the challenge and the wonderful DT inspiration.

  2. I'm so glad Fun Day Friday challenges are back!! All of the dt projects are fabulous!! I hope you are doing well my friend...thinking of you and praying for you. Have a great weekend :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  3. Welcome back, Jo! Hope to be back to play along in your challenge! Fun theme and your DT samples are adorable! Sorry to hear you've lost a sponsor but I'm sure you'll find some new ones. Hope you're feeling better soon.

  4. Welcome back Jo!! I am so glad to see Fun Day Friday challenges back! The DT did an amazing job and hope to have time to come back and join in the challenge! I actually am on vacation right now and had a little time to sneak on my computer, yeah! Stopping by to say hi...hope you are feeling better my friend! Have been thinking of you:)
    Sherrie K

  5. Great to see everyone back after the summer months up north. Looking forward to seeing what everyone contributes for "Happy Fall"

  6. Glad your back!!!! Take care of yourself. Amazing job by the DT!

  7. Welcome back my friend!! I am SUPER happy to see you in bloggie world again!!
    Fun challenge and Fabulous projects!!
    Have a wonderful day my friend,
    *Crafting With Creative M*

  8. Welcome back sweetie. Please take care of yourself.
    DT thanks for wonderful projects.
    Crafty hugs,

  9. Happy to see you out and about in the blogging world again *U*

  10. So happy your back my friend !!! I look forward to visiting your blog and the rest of the designers as well !! Hope you have a wonderful day !!
    Hugs ,


Your lovely comments always put a smile on my face! I love reading each and every one! Thank you for stopping by~