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Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving~~


Hello my sweet friends. 

     Thanksgiving comes around once a year and during this holiday, we celebrate by giving thanks for all that we are thankful and grateful for. We eat our favorite foods,  share family recipes and continue on with family traditions. What we don't think of mostly, is the people out there that are alone and have no one to share the holiday with; or the soldiers who are out there protecting us that cannot make it home. We don't usually think about the less fortunate or the homeless. We usually just laugh together with our loved ones and close friends, watch football, stuff our bellies until we cannot move and we just don't think about those who cannot do what we are doing. 

     My Thanksgiving wish is for all of you who read this, to say a prayer for all those people that I mentioned above. Ask our Lord to bless them, to watch over them and to bring them a hot turkey meal wherever they may be. Please do this as you pray to the Lord before you eat your hot turkey meal and ask for His blessing upon your food. I also wish for each and every one of you lovely bloggy friends, to have a beautiful, blessed and Happy Thanksgiving. From my home to yours, God Bless.


  1. A lovely post, Jo. Thank you for the gentle reminder of the hardships people may face while many of us take even the simplest things for granted.

    I hope you are doing well and are surrounded by your loved ones today! Happy Thanksgiving

  2. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving my friend!! Have a great weekend, too :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  3. Hope you and your family had a Happy Thanksgiving

  4. Hope your Thanksgiving was great. I miss that roast Turkey time of year. I'm thankful for your blog getting me crafting regularly xx

  5. I hope you and your family had a wonderful Thanksgiving Jo!
    Sherrie K

  6. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Blessings to you.

  7. Hugs,


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