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Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Ask Jo~ It's Talk Time Tuesday!!

Hello my sweet friends!
Welcome back to another Talk time Tuesday! I hope you all had an en-joyous weekend. If you follow my blog, you will see that I was finally able to get into my craft room and create. It has been about a year and it felt so darn good! Thank you for all the sweet comments too! So are you all ready for Spring? I can almost hear the birds chirping~

So today's question comes from Lillian who wants to know, " Which do you get more enjoyment from--sending out a hand-crafted card, or receiving one? (and if you'd publish your address, I'd be happy to send you a RAK card now and again)?"

  Hello Lillian!
How very sweet of you for wanting to send me a RAK card! I would love to receive one from you or from anyone who would like to send me one. I have published my address once before here on the blog but here it is again....

Jo Williams
9709 Monmouth Avenue #C3
Margate City, New Jersey 08402

Now to answer your question...I guess my answer would have to be that I enjoy sending out cards and receiving them, but I must confess that receiving them gets me a bit more happy! :)
I go through a lot between my health, finances and daily struggles so when I receive happy mail from my friends, it truly brightens up my days. My day goes from crap to awesome just because someone thought about me and cared enough to make sure I knew about it. I LOVE people who love to put smiles on others faces. I am that same type of person and I love to give to others and put smiles on their faces, but I never really was on the receiving end of that type of kindness, until I started blogging and meeting great friends! So it does feel good to receive something so precious. Thank you so much for writing in Lillian and I hope to hear from you more often! :)

Before I end today's post, I wanted to share with you a cool tutorial for making homemade mascara!   I'm not sure how often many of you ladies go shopping for make-up, but have you seen some of the prices??? YIKES! So maybe if some of you are daring and decide to give this a try, leave a comment below and let me know how it turned out for you. If it works great it can save you a lot of money at the end of the year. Just sayin ~ 

Well friends, that is it for today. Please write in with questions you want answered or topics you would like to see talked about during our Tuesdays together :) 

 Thanks for stopping by and until next time.... Enjoy life's blessings~


  1. Not sure what is happening but my comments are not showing up.
    "Sunshine HoneyBee"

  2. I don't know which I enjoy more...giving or receiving...they both make me happy!! I'm intrigued by homemade mascara. But I'm so sensitive, I can't wear any but Clinique, otherwise my eyes water constantly. I am going to check it out, though!! Have a great day :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  3. Thanks, Jo, for taking the time to answer my question !! And yes, spring can't come soon enough -- our statistics here show that in February, 20 of those 28 days, our lows were in the negative digits. Keep an eye on your mail - you just never know what you might find - hahaha - guess I should also have asked what type of images are your favorites - and do you have a favorite color. Hope you get adventurous again to be able to do some crafting. Keep on smiling!!

  4. I am glad you were able to get back into your craft room. I like to send out cards.
    I don't wear make up.

  5. Woke up to 7" of snow here in Central TX. Daisy sure likes to play in it.
    "Sunshine HoneyBee"


Your lovely comments always put a smile on my face! I love reading each and every one! Thank you for stopping by~