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Friday, June 12, 2015

FFC #92 "Father's Day"

Hello sweet friends!
Welcome to another Fun~day Friday Challenge!!

 This week's Challenge:
"Father's Day"
Create a card, layout or project using this week's theme!

Our Sponsors this week are:
A Day for Daisies
   The winner will win 3 digital stamps of their choice!!!!


 Bugaboo Stamps
The winner will win 7 digital stamps of their choice!!!! 
 So make sure to play along this week~

    Starts: Friday, June 12th  12:00AM
Ends: Friday, June 19th  6:00PM
(Eastern time)

Now let's see what the FFC Design Team has created for this Challenge:



What do you need to do to enter?
Challenge Rules

1. Please post a direct link to your card/project post that includes your challenge,
using the linky tool below.

2. Be sure to include a link back to our challenge

3. THREE entries per person and you must post a separate blog post for each entry.

4. All entries must be NEW and created for the current challenge.

5. You may combine with other challenges as long as you link back to us in your post.

 * All entries that do not meet the challenge requirements
Will not be eligible for top 3 or random wins (optional from sponsors prizes)
Any random wins will only be mailed within the US and Canada only.
You have until June 19th  by 6:00PM (eastern) time to link up.
All winners will be announced during the week of June 22nd.
Have fun and we look forward to seeing what you create!
Until next time, enjoy life's blessings~
Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I am so glad there is a new challenge since I missed the last one with my computer dying. I am definitely going to get to do this one!

  2. Awesome challenge and Amazing projects by the DT!
    Have a wonderful day,
    Crafting With Creative M

  3. Thank you for the challenge. Lovely cards by the design team.

  4. Nice DT work. Thank you for the challenge.

  5. Fabulous work by the DT! Thanks for a wonderful challenge. :)

  6. Thanks everyone for sharing your wonderful DT projects.
    Crafty hugs,


Your lovely comments always put a smile on my face! I love reading each and every one! Thank you for stopping by~